Thursday, October 1, 2020


 Pitter-patter falls the rain

It always erases all our pain

It is a heavenly phenomenon and the best of creations

It always brings prosperity to all the nations.


In the rain, all the people love to get drenched

By making paper boats, their childish desires get quenched

In this season, people tuck up cozily in their rug

They relax on their bed with a book in hand and a coffee mug.


The sound of the shower soothes our ears and mind

The rain teaches us how to be kind

It doesn’t show partiality towards any city, state or country

It pours everywhere and provides nutrition even to the shortest stem and tallest tree.


It makes the barren soil fresh

And gives the encouragement to start afresh

It helps the flowers bloom and gives a bountiful crop

It provides a panoramic view and a beautiful backdrop.

We are really fortunate if we can witness a rainbow

This marvel of vivid colors brings in the sky a bright glow

In this season, the photographer hidden within us comes out

To find a good spot for pics, we are always on the lookout.


The rain has done many things for us

But unfortunately we don’t realize it

We go on disturbing the ecological balance and make a huge fuss

thus destroying nature’s charisma bit by bit.


Due to our recklessness, there are incessant floods in many places

Due to this there is a massive increase in the death cases

So, let us all take conservative steps to restore the rain’s beauty

Let us all join hands, work together and sincerely perform our duty!!


                                                                                   -          Anusha Sridhar





  1. This is an absolutely wonderful poem anusha...I loved it😍 expressed the beauty and value of rain in simple and understandable language. Its so enchanting. Keep it upπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Wonderful poem Anusha akkaπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘. Keep it upπŸ˜€πŸ˜

  3. You're awesome Anusha Akka πŸ’œ You'll make it big someday! πŸ’«


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