Sunday, October 4, 2020

Has humanity lost its way?

The word humane is derived from the word 'human' which means someone who is benign and considerate towards his fellow beings. It is noteworthy to say here that these qualities of 'humanity' and 'humility' have distinguished us from animals. But, look at the irony in the situation. Humans who are considered symbols of love, affection and care have themselves turned into perpetrators of violence. They have throttled voices that have gone against them. In greed to acquire power, they have crossed all limits and have trampled others' lives! There is a quote in Hindi that accurately depicts the current situation: Jab rakshak bhakshak ban jaye, jab sanrakshak hi shoshak ho jaye, to bhala kaun bacha sakta hai!

We have faced two world wars, plagues, diseases, famines and so many other life battling issues. During wars, although many fight, there are a few people who have a glimmer of humanity within themselves. They understand the fact that after a person is dead, he no longer remains anyone's enemy. They help the inflicted without looking at their status. Service done without expecting services in return is very good.

But sadly these days, helping people has become a publicity stunt. People act magnanimous just to acquire fame. They have their cheesy smiles and photographs clicked, but behind the camera, it is an altogether different story. The worst part here is the so-called saviours speak up only on a few issues and don't put their forward foot on others. They try to play safe always. Watch out guys! All these hypocrites are deliberately trying to be philanthropic so as to build a better image in the public. Remember, these acts are far worse than actual violence. Either you help or don't help, it is up to you. But don't act because you'd be breaking people's trust on benevolence. 

Have things changed since those days? Yes they have, but not completely. Violence or rather war between countries are not taking place. Lives aren't getting destroyed. But there is a different kind of war going on. Not the usual war of weapons, but war of words! There is a blame game going on between countries. During  a pandemic, one country considers other responsible for it. They feel that organisations are partial towards one particular country.

If any country wants full authority of some place, first there are discussions and then a step is taken. Yes, there are small fights, but talks are given major importance.

You can't rule out the fact that there are no more killings because man can never accept someone being greater than him. But yes, you can say that violence is now considered 'an option' and not the 'only one'. Countries have understood that fight between a few people mustn't be converted into fight between the whole place.

Now coming back to the humanity point I raised in the beginning. Has humanity actually lost its way? Has being humane become a means of gaining popularity?

If you are the messiah of the afflicted, you no doubt will become famous among the masses. There are people who help sincerely without expecting anything in return. But, you can't deny the fact that there are ones who take tough times as a medium to spread their agenda. Remember, work for the happiness you spread by aiding and not only for fame. That is when you will get complete satisfaction and your conscience will not prick you.

Now, coming to the final question. Has humanity truly lost its way? Has its definition changed over the years?

At this juncture, I am remembered by a quote of Mahatria: 'From selfishness to selflessness is the journey of life... growing and outgrowing. The essence of humanity is within you, discover it.'

Often being humane is connected with money. The more you give, the more concern you have. Many people of today's generation think so. I think that it is an absurd statement. Donation has turned into a competition. More the charity, more the compassion. I will not say humanity has lost its way. I will say people's vision has been blurred and they are forgetting the actual meaning of humanity. Charity is being done to fulfill one's selfish intentions. By doing this, whom are you trying to please? Why do you lie to yourself?

 Rise above your narrow walls of thinking. Stop doing things just because your competitors do it. Do everything whole-heartedly. Think beyond selfishness. Think about welfare of everyone. 

All of us are humane. It is just that we think someone will spring up from scratch and be the saviour. Why think about someone else, when you can be the change you desire! Imagine a world where everyone will live a comfortable life with no issues. That is the sole purpose of humanity. To succour the needy and help them rise.

Concern can be expressed in many ways. It is majorly done through money, no doubt. But, there are several other ways to show your care. Not everything can be bought by money.

True feelings are priceless. It is not something that generates from notes. It is something that stems from emotional support and personal contact. Make people feel that they are your own kith and kin. Give them the trust that you will always stand by their side during tough times. Make them feel secure by your presence. That is the truest and purest meaning of humanity.

So, remember guys, the path and purpose of humanity has not been forgotten. It is just that there is a slight deviation from the way and the definition has been twisted to one's own benefit. As rightly said by Gandhiji, one mustn't lose faith in humanity as it is an ocean. If a few drops of the ocean become dirty, that doesn't mean that the entire ocean is dirty.

Last but not the least, if a person knows the significance of emotion and the correct place to use money, he will master the sky and earth and will become an embodiment of a humane person.

                                    -  Anusha Sridhar


  1. This is a true eye opener anusha ..
    Their might me even more horrendous things which might be covered by the government and the media. Who knows what's cooking up?

    Keep up the awesome works...truly loved ur writing

  2. Very contextual and apt for the scenario. Hope it changes the thinking of a few. Keep writing my fellow blogger.... <3

  3. Well done penned down the current circumstances meticulously.

  4. Well done penned down the current circumstances meticulously.

  5. So nice Anusha....
    Coming up with a different idea everytime
    Keep it up

  6. very much true regarding the thoughts of the society... good work anusha, keep writing more!

  7. Apt for today's world ... true eye opener

  8. Very well written ANusha. Its being humane that counts. very true today it has become bragging about things in the name of charity,and in many cases charity is also misused and many unwanted ,unethical issues happen in the name of charity. So it becomes very difficult identify genuine philanthropists.....kudos...keep writing


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