Saturday, October 31, 2020

3, 2, 1......

It is very common that after watching or listening to something, we no doubt, would have had a change in our minds. We surely would have felt one of the three I's namely: inspired, impressed or an impact. We get impressed by good singing or dancing. We get inspired and feel a powerful impact after reading amazing writings or viewing extraordinary artwork. But, there is one thing that makes all the three I's hit our minds at once. That is good communicative skills.

In this era where misunderstandings among people have become quite common, an effective speaker is the only one who can save the day. You will be amazed to know this, most of the fights happen due to petty things that are blown out of proportion due to people's lack of conversing and convincing skills!

The most common question that arises here is: how do I speak without offending anyone, put my point straight without any obstacles and prevent the escalation of  the situation to a worser level? If this has to be asked in simple terms, how do I fire three arrows on the target without missing a single one?

Before proceeding to the answer, I'd like to share with you a common misconception that occurs at this juncture and a small experience of mine. Recently, I was watching the Rajya Sabha session where there was a discussion regarding the farm bills. The first hour was going on smoothly without any hinderance, but then suddenly, people started screaming hoarsely, behaved in a very indecent manner and they indulged in a verbal spat.

It is always believed that the more you shout the more power or authority you can gain. I think this is completely wrong. Ok, to an extent you can keep people's mouth shut and reduce their voices, but you can't crumple them. Your acts will double the rage within them and the fight becomes more intense. Shouting to show your supremacy is equal to adding ghee to a blazing fire. This neither provides you an upper hand nor helps you to silence your opponents.

What has to be done here then? One thing we must know here is that people have different perceptions regarding different things. If we understand the very basic fact that just like how no two people have the same fingerprints, people don't have the same perceptions. So, using your intelligence, you must put your arguments in such a way that people agree with you and also, can't raise fingers against you. The speakers who understand this ground reality become the most impactful and of course, the most popular and favourite.

One more point to remember. When you partake in any discussion, the most essential thing here is to understand that when you point a finger towards someone, four fingers point back at you. Never ever feel that you are perfect or are the best speaker. Because that is when you either miss out on points, reduce your preparation or start getting inclined towards the flatterers. Also, your vision becomes hazy; you can't distinguish between true admirers and fake praisers. So, it is very important for a good speaker to be down to earth and open to suggestions.

The most important factor that raises you above the rest is your response to critics. Speakers' take on critics keeps changing over the passage of time. When you first set your foot in the world of communication, critic reviews affect you a lot. A new speaker is mostly sensitive and takes reviews to the heart. Gradually, reviews start affecting you lesser and you are able to look at the deeper meaning of things and retrospect. Once you become very good, you start ignoring them and crown yourselves as the best. But again you face a tumult and come back to normalcy. 

Remember, even if you win the first prize, you must be open to suggestions on improvement. A good speaker is the one who respects the opinion of the critics, applies the good suggestions and is himself capable of thinking like a critic.

A small motivation to the starters who have realised their superb skill of conversing. A critic is like an antibiotic, sometimes sour, sometimes bitter (sometimes sweet too!) but always helps you rectify your faults, gives you new stamina and makes you feel rejuvenated. If you have spoken in such a way that no critic has raised their finger, it means you have achieved your biggest success! (It might seem impossible, but there is nothing wrong in aiming for that).

Experiential learning is something that surely stays in the mind and leaves a mark. So, if you have experienced that haughtiness of yours, have come out of it and haven't fallen in that trap since then, kudos to you! You are a balanced speaker who can accept both good and bad!

A few beginners might ask: why do we need to pay attention to the negative comments? Optimism is the best way to climb higher on the ladder of success. Yes, I agree with that point. But, one thing I'd like to comment here. Everything lies in the brain. Critics aren't pessimists; they are keen observers with high intelligence who give tips to improve. Now it is all up to you, how you receive it. If you take it as demotivating stuff, then it is entirely your fault. But if you look at it with a different viewpoint, you can do wonders. Those who are able to look diametrically can never be defeated.

One more thing to remember. NEVER beat around the bush. You may speak for less time but don't ever go round and round. By doing so, you give your opponent an impression that you don't have much knowledge regarding the topic, thus reducing your impact. If you have a choice regarding choosing a topic, don't choose something that is difficult for you. Choose something which you are comfortable with and just see, you guys will rock it.

Often it is assumed that speaking on hard topics makes you appear like a sophisticated person which is completely baseless. It is fine when you have thoroughly prepared and have full knowledge regarding the topic. If not so, you end up making a fool out of yourself in the crowd. If you have a choice or don't, just remember one thing. Go behind covering good points and convincing the audience. If you do so, then you are bound to build up the three I's within the audience.

The first problem faced by all those who want to become great speakers is their stage fear. Few of them are able to overcome it very easily, few arise with a push, but few- even though having ideas- aren't able to come out of their cocoon. The only difference between the first and third type is that: The first have mastered the the two E's: emotion and expression. These are also very important qualities that separate exceptional speakers from the normal ones. If you can control your emotions (without making it too melodramatic like in the debates) and use the right expression (puns, irony) at the correct instance, you truly rise above. Your words will surely connect with the audience, you will strike the right chord and reflections of your thinking will surely resonate among the masses.

A small tip to all the scared ones out there. You will never know the taste of something if you don't taste it yourself.  Only if you start, you can aim to become a sensation. Similarly, until you don't face the stage, you will not know what your actual worth is. Prejudging your abilities without a try is very foolish on your part. When you stand in front of the stage, think you are standing in front of a mirror and there is none around. This way, you can motivate yourself and perform better.

On the whole, if you want to hit all the arrows correctly on the target, follow the three important aspects (3 I's), the two main points (2 E's) and bear the perceptions and critics in your mind. Let your speeches be the cause of change, not the tool of propaganda. Always be aware of the fact that provoking speeches and powerful communication is both a sword and a shield. Even though the person is not alive, their voices still ring in our minds. 

Finally, remember, we all have the spectacular speaker hidden within each one of us who has gone into a deep slumber. He just has to be roused. Last but not the least, you will become an awesome speaker if you awaken your inner voice and are able to voice your concerns in a plausible way.

.                                         - Anusha Sridhar



Friday, October 30, 2020

Buried in books

Books are man's best friend and they have been an integral part of his life. Whenever others have shunned him or shut him behind doors, they have been there as a constant companion and rejuvenated him. They took him on roller-coaster rides; ups, downs, mystery, adventure, fantasy, drama and what not! People could clear their clogged mind by reading books. They could take better personal decisions by connecting with the character of the book and looking from his/her perspective.

Knowingly or unknowingly, books have played a major role in improving their language and efficiency. Books changed their viewpoint regarding issues in the society. People wanted to be like their favourite characters, so they planted seeds of the commendable characterstics of theirs within themselves. People started craving for fictional worlds and wanted to become part of them too!

The past three months had been an amalgamation of emotions for me because I got a chance to read a wide variety of books. I had read books of different genres and  learnt many things from them. I got so engrossed in those books that I never knew how time just passed by.

During that book spree, I had read books of different authors like Dan Brown, Mario Puzo, Charolette Bronte, James Patterson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robin Cook and a few Indian authors like R.Krishnan and Rajagopalachari. I I have understood one thing after reading all those books. Every time you start a new book you must begin afresh i.e you mustn't start drawing parallels with the old book. You must understand that each author has his or her vision about his or her work. With each new book added to the collection, his/her thought changes and he writes the next book with a completely different mindset. Also, you must read with an unabridged attention. Only then you can get the complete flavor of the book.

Different people have different interests and they like only specific kind of books. Some like crime thrillers, some like fantasies, some like comedies and parodies, some like family books, some like informative books, auto-biographies , biographies and the list goes on. These categories are general ones. In these again, there are particulars too. Some like crime with fantasy. Some like mystery with adventure. So, one thing has to be understood here. The more diversified the demand or choice, the more effort has to be put in to satisfy the needs.

Now a question arises here. Are there any books that have satisfied all generations and all kinds of audience? There are books which have been worldwide bestsellers and were liked by everyone. But there is this one specific book- a very old one- which is relatable even in the current scenario. It gives us moral values to learn and is filled with almost everything- revenge, drama, plots, sub-plots, previous life connections and many more. This book is always high on adrenaline and the action is always on. By now you might have guessed which book I am talking about: The Mahabharat.

The previous month, I had read a scientist's take on the epic where he had given reasonings and explanations to the astronomical references made by Vyasa. He had also mentioned about how accurately calculations were made in those days. He had cited appropriate examples from the excavations and findings in the present to prove that the Mahabharat had taken place in reality.

Now you may ask me; there are many things which we already know so why should we read it. Remember, you may know many things about it, but there are even more things hidden. Even I thought the same before reading the book, but once I plunged into it, I was shocked at the number of things I was not aware of! For example, minister Vidur was born in a lower caste due to Rishi Animandavya's curse given to Dharmaraja! Shakuntala was named so because when she was born, she was surrounded by Shakuntas(birds)! So, never assume that you are fully cognizant of something because there will always be something that will slip out.

What are the values we should learn from this epic? There are so many things which we can or rather, we should learn from this epic, but know one thing. We can learn from the good people about manners, how to follow the path of Dharma and how to tread their path. We can learn from the bad people not to follow the path of Adharma, and not to fall prey to bad company. So, we can learn something from both good and the bad people. It is not always necessary to idolize a good person and strive to be like him. You can idolize a bad person and strive not to be like him.

Even though being the symbol of Dharma, Yudhishtira fell prey to gambling. Arjuna although knowing the fact that death is inevitable, couldn't slay his own ones as he was blinded by attachment. Remember, even the greatest of people may commit small errors. But, if you trust God and tell him your problems, he will stand by your side, guide you and help you overcome it. He will clear your hazy thoughts and give you proper clarity and direction. Never fear when God is with you because he will never let anything happen to you.

There is nothing wrong in going against your kith and kin if they are treading the wrong path. Some hard decisions have to be taken to maintain sanity in the family. You can tell people in a soft way, but if they don't listen, tough choices are to be made. You personally may have no interest or may feel very bad, but you take up the responsibility keeping in mind the betterment of everyone.

People following the path of Adharma have an upper hand only for a short span of time. But when they clash with the righteous ones, the latter always emerges victorious. This is a universal truth. The virtuous ones always undergo hardships in the start because it is their testing period. Once they pass the test and prove that they are undeterred, no one can stop them. The bad people only have momentary happiness in the start, but good people live long and attain eternal bliss. 

The Mahabharata depicts the glory of our country. There are several instances that prove how advanced our country was in the skill of warfare and metallurgy. We learn about the greatness of our culture and the definition of an ideal man. The Mahabharata has given us two gems: The Bhagvad Gita and the Vishnu Sahasranamam. The former is the storehouse of knowledge and the answer to all our problems.

Now a days people are more keen to finish books than actually reading patiently. This book will not allow them to go in their fast pace. Each fact is important as it connects to some part or the other in the story. Reading this book, one will know how to bury themselves completely in it and extract details and values. People will start looking keenly for the one missing part in the next books they read after this. Thus, they will know the actual fun of reading.

I don't mean to say other books aren't good or they don't have any values. It is just that we don't read in between the lines of those books. Every book has some message or the other. The focus or rather prominence is given to learning and discourses more in the Mahabharata than in other books. 

There are several other books other than the Mahabharata that are relevant even today. For example, the Arthashastra-written by the astute Chanakya during the olden times- contain so many tactics and stratergies of politics that have proved to be useful. Also, there are books like the Diary of Anne Frank that arouses our sympathy and makes us condemn dictatorial policies. Books like Wings of Fire and Long Walk to Freedom instill the nationalistic sentiments and devotedness towards our country. We understand the struggles put in to achieve milestones and respect their sacrifices. 

Sadly, these days, people are preferring e-books over hard cover books. Reading over the net damages your eyesight. Remember, nothing can replace the feel of holding a book in the hand. As far as possible, try avoiding doing that. But if there is no option like that, read only for a stipulated time and mainly- read in bright light only. This will reduce the strain and you can read easily. 

So, on the whole I'd like to say one thing. Don't read books with an intention that you have to complete them. Don't have any deadlines because in the end, time doesn't matter. It is how much you have learnt matters. Read with concentration because it will help you improve your imaginative skills. Also, don't limit yourself. Expand your horizons i.e, read books of versatile genres and aspire to know more about our country's undefiled heritage. Finally, don't read books just because everyone you know read them. Read books only if you are passionate about books- because, things done without interest is far worse than not doing anything.

                                      - Anusha Sridhar

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Has humanity lost its way?

The word humane is derived from the word 'human' which means someone who is benign and considerate towards his fellow beings. It is noteworthy to say here that these qualities of 'humanity' and 'humility' have distinguished us from animals. But, look at the irony in the situation. Humans who are considered symbols of love, affection and care have themselves turned into perpetrators of violence. They have throttled voices that have gone against them. In greed to acquire power, they have crossed all limits and have trampled others' lives! There is a quote in Hindi that accurately depicts the current situation: Jab rakshak bhakshak ban jaye, jab sanrakshak hi shoshak ho jaye, to bhala kaun bacha sakta hai!

We have faced two world wars, plagues, diseases, famines and so many other life battling issues. During wars, although many fight, there are a few people who have a glimmer of humanity within themselves. They understand the fact that after a person is dead, he no longer remains anyone's enemy. They help the inflicted without looking at their status. Service done without expecting services in return is very good.

But sadly these days, helping people has become a publicity stunt. People act magnanimous just to acquire fame. They have their cheesy smiles and photographs clicked, but behind the camera, it is an altogether different story. The worst part here is the so-called saviours speak up only on a few issues and don't put their forward foot on others. They try to play safe always. Watch out guys! All these hypocrites are deliberately trying to be philanthropic so as to build a better image in the public. Remember, these acts are far worse than actual violence. Either you help or don't help, it is up to you. But don't act because you'd be breaking people's trust on benevolence. 

Have things changed since those days? Yes they have, but not completely. Violence or rather war between countries are not taking place. Lives aren't getting destroyed. But there is a different kind of war going on. Not the usual war of weapons, but war of words! There is a blame game going on between countries. During  a pandemic, one country considers other responsible for it. They feel that organisations are partial towards one particular country.

If any country wants full authority of some place, first there are discussions and then a step is taken. Yes, there are small fights, but talks are given major importance.

You can't rule out the fact that there are no more killings because man can never accept someone being greater than him. But yes, you can say that violence is now considered 'an option' and not the 'only one'. Countries have understood that fight between a few people mustn't be converted into fight between the whole place.

Now coming back to the humanity point I raised in the beginning. Has humanity actually lost its way? Has being humane become a means of gaining popularity?

If you are the messiah of the afflicted, you no doubt will become famous among the masses. There are people who help sincerely without expecting anything in return. But, you can't deny the fact that there are ones who take tough times as a medium to spread their agenda. Remember, work for the happiness you spread by aiding and not only for fame. That is when you will get complete satisfaction and your conscience will not prick you.

Now, coming to the final question. Has humanity truly lost its way? Has its definition changed over the years?

At this juncture, I am remembered by a quote of Mahatria: 'From selfishness to selflessness is the journey of life... growing and outgrowing. The essence of humanity is within you, discover it.'

Often being humane is connected with money. The more you give, the more concern you have. Many people of today's generation think so. I think that it is an absurd statement. Donation has turned into a competition. More the charity, more the compassion. I will not say humanity has lost its way. I will say people's vision has been blurred and they are forgetting the actual meaning of humanity. Charity is being done to fulfill one's selfish intentions. By doing this, whom are you trying to please? Why do you lie to yourself?

 Rise above your narrow walls of thinking. Stop doing things just because your competitors do it. Do everything whole-heartedly. Think beyond selfishness. Think about welfare of everyone. 

All of us are humane. It is just that we think someone will spring up from scratch and be the saviour. Why think about someone else, when you can be the change you desire! Imagine a world where everyone will live a comfortable life with no issues. That is the sole purpose of humanity. To succour the needy and help them rise.

Concern can be expressed in many ways. It is majorly done through money, no doubt. But, there are several other ways to show your care. Not everything can be bought by money.

True feelings are priceless. It is not something that generates from notes. It is something that stems from emotional support and personal contact. Make people feel that they are your own kith and kin. Give them the trust that you will always stand by their side during tough times. Make them feel secure by your presence. That is the truest and purest meaning of humanity.

So, remember guys, the path and purpose of humanity has not been forgotten. It is just that there is a slight deviation from the way and the definition has been twisted to one's own benefit. As rightly said by Gandhiji, one mustn't lose faith in humanity as it is an ocean. If a few drops of the ocean become dirty, that doesn't mean that the entire ocean is dirty.

Last but not the least, if a person knows the significance of emotion and the correct place to use money, he will master the sky and earth and will become an embodiment of a humane person.

                                    -  Anusha Sridhar

Thursday, October 1, 2020


 Pitter-patter falls the rain

It always erases all our pain

It is a heavenly phenomenon and the best of creations

It always brings prosperity to all the nations.


In the rain, all the people love to get drenched

By making paper boats, their childish desires get quenched

In this season, people tuck up cozily in their rug

They relax on their bed with a book in hand and a coffee mug.


The sound of the shower soothes our ears and mind

The rain teaches us how to be kind

It doesn’t show partiality towards any city, state or country

It pours everywhere and provides nutrition even to the shortest stem and tallest tree.


It makes the barren soil fresh

And gives the encouragement to start afresh

It helps the flowers bloom and gives a bountiful crop

It provides a panoramic view and a beautiful backdrop.

We are really fortunate if we can witness a rainbow

This marvel of vivid colors brings in the sky a bright glow

In this season, the photographer hidden within us comes out

To find a good spot for pics, we are always on the lookout.


The rain has done many things for us

But unfortunately we don’t realize it

We go on disturbing the ecological balance and make a huge fuss

thus destroying nature’s charisma bit by bit.


Due to our recklessness, there are incessant floods in many places

Due to this there is a massive increase in the death cases

So, let us all take conservative steps to restore the rain’s beauty

Let us all join hands, work together and sincerely perform our duty!!


                                                                                   -          Anusha Sridhar





            As I was sauntering on the sundeck

I had raised my head high

To view the large luminescent light

and the star-studded sky.


This gave me a lot of solace

And freed me from the day’s menace.

I realized how beautiful nature could be

If with the right eyes we could see.


The pat of the breeze made my hair dance

Looking at the swaying trees, I went into a trance

All around, there was complete nonchalance

The rays of the moon brought reflections of reminiscence.


The dark sky and shining stars were contrasting

Just like black and white

The experience was everlasting

And the moon grew magnificent over the night.


The stars were like small crowns adorning the skies

The moon gave us hope to aim for the highs

As time passed, it had become pitch dark

Suddenly, there was a small spark.


There was a speck of orange light that arose

This proved the fact that faith never goes

Whenever the thick clouds covered the moon/sun

It always finds a way out

Because it knows its duties

and has no doubt.


How grim the situation may be

There is always a hope at the end of the tunnel

You just have to filter out negativity like a funnel.


Never think of a back out

Instead become more devout

Never consider the nights to be bad and long

Because it gives you a chance to become headstrong!


So, enjoy both the day and night

You will start feeling a sense of delight!


                             _ Anusha Sridhar





Let's talk about work life balance

The comments made by the L&T Chairman Mr. Subramanyam about work-life balance has sparked a rage on the internet. On one end there are f...