Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Tribute

Some debts can never be repaid,
To those who always come to our aid.
You have taught us, that any circumstance we face,
Must be handled with tactfulness and grace.
You made us understand that people can’t be brought together by force,
Affection, goodwill and warmth are the only ways to reinforce.

You have stood with us as a rock pillar of support,
And educated us not to leave something midway and abort.
You have edified us that participation is more salient than a win,
And made us realize the repercussion of a sin.
You have shaped this motley of tiny-tots,
And have always put your foot forward in removing our blots.

You have recognized the true talent within each one of us,
With your enigmatic smile, you cherished our childish fuss.
You have always strived to push us to the top,
And have cajoled, convinced us when our plans became a flop.

You gave us a shoulder to lean on and a hand to clutch,
You made us forget our worries with your magical touch.
It is because of you we got name, fame and accolades,
You were the one who made us the master of all trades.

Under your shadow, no catastrophe could come to our vicinity,
For you, we always have a special affinity.
You are more like our mother and we are your little ones,
We promise you that in the game of life, we will score many runs.

You are the alleviator of our darkness; you are our Guru,
We are proud that under your guardianship we grew.
You have transformed us into fine gems,
And have made tall trees out of these thin stems.
We vow that with our conduct, we will make you proud,
We wish you a Happy Guru Purnima with our heads bowed!!

                       - Anusha Sridhar


  1. Woah.. first of all.. kudos to ur consistency.. secondly.. beautiful thinking...very true and mesmerizing... 👍🏻👍🏻

  2. I think it will be like this when we let our heart speak
    It is truly beautiful Anusha


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