Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Generation Gap

On one of the weekends, I was eagerly waiting for my grandparents to come home. They came around 12 noon and after freshening up; we sat indolently on the couch and stretched ourselves. At first, we had an intense discussion about what we did during the lockdown and suddenly, the topic became very heated. We were having an extensive conversation about the differences in behaviors of iGen, Millineals, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Traditionalists (Note: These five generations are classified in accordance with five age groups ranging from 1945 and below till the present date). My grandfather commented, "During those days we always used to follow whatever our elders told us. We never raised a finger against whatsoever they said and were very obedient. Yet, times change and so did people. The gap across the lineage has engendered many new qualities and feelings within individuals, which during our horse-and-buggy-days was totally inconceivable. It is such an irony to imagine that during our good old days, a house had only a landline; and as times have evolved, each person has his own phone and isn't dependent on anyone to speak to whomever he wants. That is the effect of the generation gap."

I could relate to whatever he said as the same situation is prevailing today. But this raised a big question in my mind. Is this gap in thoughts and differences in approach good? Before I could proceed to the answer, I first decided to find out what exactly is 'generation gap.'

I may be wrong, but what I understood of this two-word phrase is that it (gen gap) is not just having an age difference between two groups. This explanation is feasible just for the superficial level, and is not- if we want to know its deep-rooted meaning. Generational divide-in the first place-occurs due to drastic transition in the circumstances one faces and our perceptions about it. Now, people have become broad-minded and are easily able to adapt to the harshest of situations which wasn't that simple before. It is the sophistication of lifestyle and luxuriating in ostentatiousness. Presently, at the snap of our finger, what we desire lies on our feet if we throw away lumps of money. All this during those days was totally staggering and would cost one a lifetime to attain that state.

Over generations, many things have transformed. Let it be the way we speak, rational thinking, ardentness to gain knowledge and the adroitness displayed to solve nerve-racking situations; each and every minute quality has been affected. What is so surprising here is that the things that were once considered erroneous, are now being accepted in the society. For instance, during the early 1950's, a woman's role was bound to only serving one's family and heed to her husband's orders. She wasn't allowed to step out of her house at untime and if she did so, her chastity was suspected. A woman slogged very badly the whole day and was treated very dreadfully. But now down the generation, people have become liberal and have accepted the position of a woman and discrimination (to an extent) has reduced. She is unconfined to any barriers and is able to constantly progress without any hassle in the path that is suitable for her. She is able to live independently and choose the life of her choice. Also, there has been a big breakthrough in the field of automobiles and telly. Owning a car during those days was considered a luxury, but now it is very common among urban households. Similarly, possessing a TV was considered opulence during the times of yore and very few people had the serendipity of having it in their homes.

 As you all have heard the saying, 'where there is day there assuredly is night'; likewise, wherever there are affirmatives there surely will be something negative. It may have slipped our eye, but it does cease to exist. This is true in this inter-generational gap too. Although it may have positive connotations like technological advancement, open-minded outlook, astute reasoning, encyclopedic memory, increase in opportunities of work and many more; but this one aspect of its impact weighs more than these good things on the weighing scale. By now you might have guessed it, I am talking about cultural influence.

You may ask me why do I call it an 'effect'. The reason is really simple. During olden days, we only knew very few places and had the news of only those areas on our fingertips. Our world was limited to minimal things and we never thought beyond. But as time passed, there was a global technological improvement and we started to surpass the obstacles and peep down at the vast ocean of different practices around the world. As our intellect started to expand, the scientific temperament within us started to blossom. We denied accepting anything blindly without facts. So, we decided to question everything and it in turn, became an idiosyncrasy. In the start, enquiring details was considered to be fine because we never dived into sensitive issues. But, once we start poking our nose into that too; it turns bad. There are fights in the family and contrast in opinions that sometimes even lead to breaking in relationships.

What is the aftermath then? We start speaking ill about our culture due to not getting satisfactory justifications. Just like how a hungry lion hunts for its prey, we search for answers. But, the depressing part here is that if we don't get solutions, we start mudslinging our values and then start aping the west. On being questioned for our choice, we say that it is comfort of their attire and their slang that is pulling our attention towards them. Worse, we even plan to leave the country and settle there due to the strong virtual image formed in our mind about the congenial life one can have there. We become reasons for brain-drain in our own country-our motherland and start feeling proud to call ourselves citizens of the west. But, always be mindful of the fact that a donkey can never become a horse just by its assumption i.e. the truth never changes if we accept or don't accept it. Considering ourselves more inclined to the west doesn't change our recognition. A tree can only shed leaves, but it can never remain barren forever.

There are two points to note here. Number one, we must know that even the smallest of seed can grow into the largest of tree. It takes a lot of effort to chop the colossal tree with its roots, but is simple to pull a plant out from the grounds' depths. Sowing a seed of hatred towards one's identity is very easy. If not plucked out at the right time, it would prove to be really disastrous. Number two, this situation is really ironical if looked at a slightly different standpoint. What I mean to say is that, we follow the same west that bows down to our culture and values and salutes our undefiled heritage. At this juncture, the types of people split into two. One, are those, who realize their mistake, apologize and start feeling proud about their association and belonging to such a glorious legacy. Two, are those, who remain steadfast in their judgment and do not change their ways of thinking.

At this point, I would like to give a few examples to prove the fact that our ancestors never told anything without any reason. For example, it is believed that if lemon along with seven chillies is hanged outside the doors of homes or shops, it will prevent the bad energies from entering inside. There is an explanation for this. The cotton thread that passes through the lemon and chillies absorbs the acids, vitamin C and other nutrients present in it. Then by slow vaporization it is released into the air. This is said to have health benefits. Also, it is believed that one mustn't sleep with one's head facing the north. This is because, if done so, there are chances to have harmful effects related to blood pressure and other diseases that asymmetry with Earth's magnetic field would cause.

Sadly, over the years, only the rule got propagated, not the reasoning, due to which rituals became more and more esoteric. We all must understand that digging will only give us artifacts. Similarly, going deeper into some subjects will only give us answers. If we don't find remedies, it means that we haven't put in our complete attention in probing deeper and are incapable in discerning the query. Like how every lock has a key, always remember, every problem has a solution. The problem is our inability to find it. 

Now coming back to the question I raised in the start. Is gap in thoughts good?  Are variations in approach advisable? Well, my answer for this is a confident 'YES', but not a wholehearted one. If differences are cross-cutting, they can easily be accommodated and hitches can be suppressed. But, if these differences turn into overlapping ones, it would be really hard to sort it out. Dissimilarities are fine in the former case, but not in the latter case. Coming to the first question-gap in thoughts is adequate if it remains in its limits. I mean to say, if we listen to the other person's perspective on the same issue, combine both the goods and come out with a common solution, it is acceptable. As long as we are not autocratic, gap in thoughts is fine because we are in a balanced state to listen to the other person's point too without showing any superiority or haughtiness. As long as we don't cross our curbs, everything is fair enough.

The difference in contemplation between different generations is a very beautiful feeling. We have to admire and feel it. Not in every family we get to see this generational conflict. One must look at the brighter side and consider oneself lucky to be able to witness arrows of each other's theoretical thoughts and their bantered words. One thing to note here, as long as you never offend someone or try to prove them wrong, it is a friendly exchange of ideas. The relationship gets stronger if we learn the goods from our antecedents, question our beliefs-but know that we mustn't go astray, and ask with your head bowed low. Never value your ego more than your relationships. Accept something if you are wrong. Teach your elders if they miss something. But DON'T let that pride dance on your head.

So, let us all embrace this generational juxtaposition with open arms and light lamps of knowledge about its significance in the ignorant minds of today. Let us fall on the feet of people elder than us for worldly experience. Let us show to the world that generation gap doesn't refer to generational differences. Let us all register the fact that generations are divided ONLY by the thread of thought processes and NOT by their values.

                                                                                           - Anusha Sridhar


  1. Very nice reasoning and explanation. She has a potential of becoming a great journalist. The ideas expressed are accepted by all

  2. Very nice Anusha..Keep going..All the very best

  3. Replies
    1. Wow Anusha... That was a lovely piece written on generation gap.... You are a very deep thinker and it's reflected in your writing. Keep thinking... Keep writing. Express yourself freely without any inhibition. Wishing you the best of everything


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