Saturday, January 1, 2022

New year wishes

 One year has passed like a spree
Don't know whether to be sad 
or to jump in glee.

Few incidents left permanent scars
Few people turned into overnight stars
We witnessed the true essence of humanity
and walked hand-in-hand to face this calamity.

Sometimes we stumbled
But we never grumbled
We learnt through our experiences
every single day
We grew up to become matured individuals
and understood the roles we'd essay.

It is not wrong to be wrong
It is wrong to not accept we are wrong
We should understand this fact
and change our tact.

Our mistakes should not taunt us
They should teach us
Aim for excellence
Success will reach us.

Every sunset
is an opportunity to reset
Wish you all a happy new year
and a year ahead with no regret!

                        - Anusha Sridhar

(A very happy new year to all my readers who have been a constant support system for me...who have provided me ideas and tips to improve my writing....Hope you keep supporting me throughout this beautiful journey....)


  1. Amazing as always Anusha!! You continue to shine⭐
    Let's begin this year on a fabulous note✨

  2. Amazing anusha ...ur words never fail to impress me ������

  3. That was a lovely poem Anusha esp the lines It's not wrong to be wrong
    It's not wrong to accept we are wrong.
    Have a really deep impact.
    Kudos Anusha.Keep writing


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