Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dissecting media

India is now the worst hit country due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The country is reporting over 4 lakh cases every day and the death count crossed the staggering 4000 mark. India accounts for over 60% of the world's total cases and is even facing an acute oxygen and vaccine dose shortage. Political parties are just passing the buck; trying to cover their image and are spending lavish money on 'revamping and erecting essential structures' (You know what I mean).

Many states have gone under lockdown, the economy has been hit again and history is repeating itself in a gruesome way. During these grim times and in this sensitive situation, it is important to stand united, accept the mistakes committed and work towards rectifying them at a faster pace. It is important to be mentally strong and positive. It is important to highlight not just the negative news but even focus on a few positive developments happening across the country and boost people's morale. Who is most capable to do this job in a perfect way? It is undoubtedly, the media. 

Media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy. It is a tool that amplifies and helps people's voice to reach across the globe. It helps the common man to form an opinion and take a stance regarding several issues in the country. It treats everyone fairly; no one escapes under the sharp lens. Everyone is penalized and scrutinized equally for their actions and there is no favouritism.

Newsreaders from the yesteryears have done their job fabulously. They rendered the news in a subtle manner and struck a balance between the news from all parts of the  country and the world. Their half-an-hour to one hour shows conveyed a lot of information- it never seemed rushed and there was no melodrama. The ball is now in the hands of today's journalists and to be honest, thinking that they would do justice to the high standards of journalism set by the olden day reporters is a utopian ideology.

If we keenly observe and compare the strategies of media today and the media 20-30 years ago, we would surely observe a few key differences. In the latter, reporters knew and understood the importance of ethical journalism; there was a good team of experienced staff, writers and editors who never misused the freedom given to them and understood the sanity, importance and the catalytic role news plays in people's life.

Today, the situation is entirely different. Sensationalising news has become very common these days. We can clearly see and understand which news channel is owned by which political party. If a channel is owned by the center, it always points out the opposition and glorifies its own actions and vice-versa. It is now an open secret that media has just become a mouthpiece of the government- showing us only what is being told to them and not the complete reality. The trust and reliability people had on certain channels is completely lost.

A question arose in my mind. Why is there a drastic difference in the standards of reportage from today and to that of 30 years ago?  There was only one channel back then- the Doordarshan due to which there was no competition and no fight for trp.

The emergence of multiple channels and formation of independent news channels with 24/7 coverage is the root for all the mess. Think carefully, how is it possible to have 'breaking news' all the time you tune in to the channel (even in the oddest hour)?

The standard of news today has fallen so much that they are speaking only about certain issues which will please their owners and will keep their jobs intact. The spotlight falls only on one news item and the rest is either ignored or is just shown for 2-3 seconds on the screen, that's all. There is no respect for privacy of a person. For them someone's death is just a mockery- a way to get skyrocketing views. 

Accept it or not, but the fact is that in today's time it is the media that decides the future of the country and the direction in which the public's attention should be. Media whose role was only limited to informing us about what is happening around the world is now influencing our decisions.

Remember, when news loses its credibility, becomes opinionated and everything becomes pre-decided, it no longer remains a news- it turns into a blog post. 

I don't deny the fact that there are many talented journalists who perform their job excellently and make people aware about many interesting developments happening around the world. But why aren't these people receiving support in massive numbers?  Why are we not watching and encouraging news channels that don't indulge in yellow journalism unlike the rest?

According to a research done by psychologists, the human brain tends to respond faster and remember negative news than positive news. Majority take pleasure watching others' sufferings, enjoy fights and hoarse screaming. Using this as a tactic, many news channels started sensationalising news; started naming even the smallest of small news as breaking news just to win in the trp war and ensure that people tune in to the channel.  

Primetime debates have lost its decency and respect as in the name of putting forth the facts and having a good discussion, there has always been mudslinging without offering any solution to the existent problem. Now-a-days, more than the news, the tantrums of the host trend on twitter and are always spoken about. 

Media is the tool; the medium through which our concerns, queries and questions can reach the government. The media is capable of both transforming and destroying lives. It is capable of making a strong-minded person lose his will, as well as is capable of making a frail person full of positivity and hope.

There is a saying in Hindi: 'Jo diktha hai vahi biktha hai.' That is what is happening now. But there is another saying also: 'Jo biktha hai vahi dikhta hai' meaning- what is sold is only seen. The decision is ours. The control is in our hands. We are the deciders of what will stay and what will not. We should stop falling prey to cheap click bait tricks, stop giving views and start supporting sensible and constructive journalism.

I have a small request to the journalists of today. Don't use your power just to spread negativity. Don't feel embarrassed in highlighting even the minute success of the country in any field.  Please understand that your actions can make or break the system. Tread the line of control carefully, always be on your toes and be conscious of how you conduct yourself. Don't become a big joke in the country due to your own paroxysms. Your  profession is a very prestigious one- understand that.

 Don't blame the people; blame the process if there are any flaws. Once you change your method of approach and adapt to this methodology, media as an entity will be treated with high respect and the long-lost trust of people will surely be regained. 

(P.S The views expressed are subjective to perception. I don't mean to defame any channel or political party, but I am just stating the facts; the situations I observed. No offence intended to anyone.)

                                                                      -Anusha Sridhar


  1. Excellent nanna. Keep it up. All your write ups are informative and praise Worthy.

  2. Gr8 Anu...ur way of expression is simply superb.


  4. Very well written. Sensationalism and yellow journalism only sells today. That's the sad state of the media today


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