Wednesday, May 6, 2020

God- Myth or Reality

Not all the mysteries of nature can be understood by using the greatest of sciences. There is something beyond human reach and that is the power of the divine cosmos. There is an answer to how humans have transformed over the years but there is no answer to this question as to how the first creatures have originated on earth. This by itself proves the existence of God.

When it comes to the case of existence of God, it is a really complicated one as some believe that God has a form and others believe that He has been created by business tycoons just for the sake of minting money.

If the former has to be considered, there is again a conflict as to which God to worship out of the hundred thousand Gods in the scriptures, which God to believe and connect with.

First of all, there must be a basic understanding that God is not the idol that you worship. It is the divine power. One must know that God shouldn't be idolized in one's mind, but picturized in one's heart. When the perspective about worship of God changes, then there is automatically a change in one's life and one gets clarity as to how to move forward in life.

So, I would like to emphasize that God is very considerate towards his devotees and this has been made into a myth in the minds of people by instilling fear towards Him and taking them far away from reality.


  1. Good one..god is love..fear is man made..god is compassion. Love ..God is Good Orderly Direction..

  2. It is good. For a girl of fifteen who finished her 10th class it is great. So many people believe that God exists and that too in one's own heart. We cannot say it is a myth. Congrats to her for such an attempt

  3. It is me

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Chiranjeevi. Anusha!!! Very good beginning. Selection of the topic is excellent. Appreciate the balance maintained in the expression of thought and the way you establish your point of view. Wonderful.
    Good vocabulary with clarity in using words appropriately, like creation, Cosmos, tycoon and minting money, emphasize, perspective to name a few..
    The way you establish your point is very impressive with comparison between idol worship and surrenderful devotion. It shows your understanding of devinity and existence of God. Proud of you Dear and wish you very best. God bless you to share more ...

  6. This is an excellent blog that inspires people to have faith in the divine reality.

  7. Awesome! At your tender age an excellent explanation on divine power, idol , picture, worship and change in one's life. God bless you beta Anusha and move further.

  8. Wheteher it Lord Rama, Krishna, Jesus or Allah, all preached good only as we all know. Daivam "maanava roopamlo" ... there is conclusive evidence both geographically (Ram Setu, Dwaraka ) and Scientifically(floating boulders) etc.Now your blog is simple to the point and presented in a lucid style. For non believers, "there is some sooper power" that is invisible. Now coming to 'perspective', many a times I was(for that matter a great majority of us) bailed out of difficult situations with divine intervention and it is a question of "faith". An old story which you may be aware,. A patient with stomach pain goes to the Doctor, when he was closing the Clinic. The Doctor gave him something and told him " do not bite of swallow" just chew it and come tomorrow morning. Next morning the patient comes back and says thst he got rid of his stomach pain and profusely thanked the Doctor. The Doctor asked him to spill out what he gave the day before. It was simply the "Button" of his Coat. So it is faith . As you concluded HE is considerate towards all . Honestly, your insight and attempt towards this highly complicated, controversial and deepest subject is praiseworthy. TVS NARAYAN.

  9. It is just awesome and best of luck to u keep writing like this only


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