Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Navratri time

 If there is any festival that is celebrated with great pomp and splendor across the country in different forms- it is Navratri. Be it the garba in Gujarat, the Ram-leelas in UP, the Durga-pandals in West Bengal or the Golu in Tamil Nadu- every state has its own unique way of commencing the festival.

Navratri is one time of the year that I eagerly wait for. Arranging the Golu bommais, trying novel ways of setting them, making new kolams and buying new dolls every year really builds up the excitement. There needs to be elaborate planning, shifting of things and a proper arrangement while setting up the Golu padi. It is time consuming, but fun. 

This is the third year of keeping Golu in our house and trust me, every year I have learnt something new. It became a lot easier to set up all the items. I developed passion towards decoration and learnt how to keep things simple without over-doing it. 


Yes, sometimes we may not be satisfied with the outcome- so we have no apprehensions in spending extra time to re-do it. Sometimes, we may not agree with each other about certain ways of arrangement and have deep discussions about it, but at the end of the day, we are contended. We don't even get proper sleep-time, but still  wake up the next day and arrange everything for the morning puja and carry on with our daily chores. 

For me, Navratri is equivalent to great memories and new learning experiences. During Navratri, I get solid time to spend with my family. Dinner-time discussions on a variety of topics become more frequent. We watch films together, go outside and enjoy to the core!

One more reason why I like Navratri is because of the gatherings at home. For 9 days, our house will be brimming with people. Wearing a wide range of clothes, photographs, games, meet-ups with old friends, relishing the different kinds of prasadams- there is everything!

Navratri is a full-fledged festival. It gives immense satisfaction to everyone celebrating it. Wishing all my readers a very happy Navratri! Enjoy your holidays! Sit back, relax, savor new varieties of food and I will meet you very soon with my next blog!

Cheers till then!

                                    - Anusha Sridhar


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Grandparents Day

 Grandparents. They have seen all generations and have observed the changes- both in lifestyle and in behavioral patterns. This makes them the most experienced persons who can guide and support during crucial times. Their tips regarding certain affairs prove how knowledgeable they are. 

 They might not agree with our viewpoint at times. They might strain themselves over trivial things. We might feel they are overprotective of their grandchildren. But the truth is that, it gives them immense satisfaction to always be by their grandchild's side. 

Old age is called a 'second childhood.' They may have mood swings. But we grandchildren must be considerate towards them. It is our duty to take care of them and get them accustomed to the new world.

They may lose their basic body functions. They might be dependent on others. But they regain all their lost energy and become a spring chicken when their grandchild is around. That is the true love they have towards them.

They are ready to learn new technology to understand them better. They don't want to be left behind in terms of connectivity to the Gen-Z.  Infact, now few grandparents have caught up with the trend very well! They have watched more films, serials and series than their grandchildren. They are even featuring on social media platforms, which is a positive sign of inclusivity.

They clap the hardest for your success. They sob the most when you are sad. They fight for you with your parents. They are your company whenever you feel bored. They are chirpy, emotional, savage, innocent and have a sweet little smile that instantly melts your heart.

Regardless of the fact whether your grandparents are physically present or not, they always hold a special place in your heart. These memories have to be cherished. And today, September 11th, on account of Grandparents Day, let us thank them from the bottom of our heart for giving us unforgettable memories and evergreen stories to share with the future generations. 

We always love you however you are. And remember, we always have your back.

Love you Tatagaru and Amamma! Happy Grandparents Day!

                                                - Anusha Sridhar


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