Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lessons Learnt

 2020 is a year which everyone has christened as 'ew year' as it has spilt water on their plans. The year has become unpredictable like a 20-20 match, with each ball bringing in new turns and tides.

The clock has ticked backwards in many aspects and has even gone slow, but this period has taught us several important life lessons. We have understood the value of a family and the strength they provide during tough situations. Students who enjoyed bunking classes have now realized the significance of offline classes and are longing to go to school. They are able to understand the effort put in by teachers to teach them in a hassle-free manner. People have started giving respect to the frontline warriors and have acknowledged their sacrifices.

Pollution levels have dropped, roads have become cleaner, air has become fresher, birds have got their freedom and nature is setting back to normalcy. Amidst all the negativity, there are positive connotations. These trivial moments of cheerfulness has got us out from our pensive brooding. We have understood that happiness doesn't always lie in our big achievements but even in small things around us.

We enjoyed performing PM Modi's tasks, sitting lethargically and watching TV, brought out the chef within us and had online celebrations. All these small things acted as stress-busters; we drifted out from our worldly tensions and attained tranquility.

The most significant teaching in the COVID period is regarding the true definition of time. Everyday in this period has proved the fact that time and tide waits for none. We may have slipped four steps backwards, but time is running in its same pace. April felt like eons, but October got over before the blink of an eye. This has taught us that the more free time one has, one feels the more slower time goes and vice-versa.

If there is one major change that has occurred and has a profound impact is our levels of devotion. Our arrogance and pride got crushed as the disease didn't treat anyone partially. We had to bend down in front of the Supreme Power and accept our faults. We have understood that we may be the king in our game but when he plays, all of us come to the same level. Most of us have embarked on a spiritual odyssey and have connected with the Omnipotent, which is a very good sign.

But sadly, there is a small glitch here. We worship God, believe he is omnipresent and are engrossed in chanting his names. But we don't see the existence of God in our fellow human beings (even in animals too). People behave very rudely with COVID patients and have no concern towards them. They are forgetting the fact that our fight is with the disease, not with the disease-infected patient. You can be cautious, but it is not necessary to be callous. There is a thin line of difference between cautiousness and callousness-understand that.

Remember, it is of no benefit worshipping God if you are stone-hearted. Realize the fact that true devotion is not shown by fasting or by performing different kinds of rituals, but is shown by respecting your fellow beings and considering them as a part of God.

Now that most of the curfews have been lifted and there has been an ease in rules, we are getting used to the 'new normal'. Theatres, restaurants, malls have opened with 50% people and staff allowed. We have realized that life must move on and pages have to be flipped to write a new chapter. We have to fill in voids caused due to the horror, wipe our tears, stand up stronger and hit back harder. Our productivity must be at its maximum and we must make up for the entire backlog. We must be responsible for our health, take all the safety measures and not blame others for our mistake of not following the precautions. We must know that safety is and should be our top priority over enjoyment because only the rules have become lesser stringent, not the virus.

One more teaching here is not to assume things. We may feel that everything is in accordance, but there is always something that is not visible to our eye. The trends of the virus may have come down and the recovery rates are soaring, but still there is no proper vaccine. When we are fighting with an unknown enemy, you may never know from where it will attack. So, we must never conclude that something is over because you may never know from where a new problem might spring out from. 

We may have learnt several good habits, but knowingly or unknowingly, a few bad habits may have got induced. One can't deny the fact that people have become lazier, have no or less moods to work and have started finding excuses to delay. Also, it is going to be very difficult for people to start getting back to their old routines without the influence of lockdown habits. So, in the second half of the year, follow three steps. Learn, Apply, Practice. If you do so, you will start thanking 2020 for helping you grow as a better individual and making you retrospect your flaws. There may be many pessimistic things that may have occurred, but remember, one diya is enough to dispel the darkness.

So, on the whole, don't call 2020 as a 'ew year.' Instead name it 'view and review' year as it has given you valuable time and priceless lessons to learn. 

(P.S It is really difficult to digest the fact that it has been one year since the first case of COVID was spotted. It marked the birth of the most deadliest virus that destroyed lives and has been the cause of deep sorrow and misery. The crisis has left an indelible impact on our minds. We might adapt to the 'new-normal', but this incident is forever going to be imprinted in our mind.

 It is sad to see people celebrating the first anniversary of corona like a happy occasion without sympathizing with those who lost their near and dear ones. The people who left this world can't be brought back from the doors of death. Corona has not had a positive impact on everyone. Please don't make a joke of the efforts put in by all the social workers.

This article is a small attempt to divert people's attention from all the depressing things going on around them and infuse positivity. I agree, this period has caused some unhealable hurts and scarred hearts. But good is always hidden even in the grimmest of situations, right? 

We can't stay stagnant in one place altogether. Things have to fall in place once again. So, cherish the memories of those whom you lost, fasten your belts and get back to work as life has to move on.....)

                                        - Anusha Sridhar

Sunday, November 1, 2020


In this world of competitiveness and in the race to success, there is always a lot of pressure on people. With every achievement they get, their responsibilities increase and they have to put in double the energy and effort to stay on the top. Few people manage to stay afloat and are able to maintain that status, but most of them falter and fall down. The only reason for this is FEAR.

The immediate question that pops up here is: Fear of what? Well, there are innumerable reasons for that and one can go on listing it. Few reasons could be: fear of comparison, fear of peers and so on.

First thing we must know here is, why does fear arise at all? Fear arises because one is mentally not prepared to face the consequences. One always looks at the darker side and asks questions like: "What if I can't do this? What will happen next? What if I fail?" Always remember this. Results are never partial to anyone. If you work with a mindset to do your best and not for the four claps or five praises, your grades will surely improve and you will surely achieve your personal goals. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. So, always put in your heart, mind and soul in your preparation and always anticipate for the best. By doing this, you will surely emerge out of the downward spiral of fear.

What are the most common signs of a person who is afraid? The first thing is that he becomes fidgety and turns absent-minded. He stars mincing his words due to lack of confidence. He always gives higher importance to others and thinks about himself as someone who is fit for nothing.

Fear can induce two things within you. One, it will make you do things that you wouldn't have even dreamt about. Two, it will make you fickle-minded and you start doubting your own capabilities.

Now, many of you might tell me that the first thing is good as it makes you exert yourself more and prepares you to jump into action. But my response is not a complete yes for this statement. I say so because at one point of time when you question yourself as to why are you doing something, you will not have a convincing answer. (This is when you do the donkey's work i.e when you are doing something just because someone forced you to do so). But if you are wholeheartedly interested in doing something, fear turns into fire. Instead of plummeting, you reach the pinnacle. I had used the phrase 'not a complete yes' to signify the fact that in every situation, there are both pros and cons. Just because we are always facing bad times that doesn't mean there is no ray of goodness. We must always have a broad approach towards things.

People are afraid of so many things, no doubt. But, this one factor helps us to distinguish between the brave hearts and the weaklings. That is fear of suppression. Now, why I am saying this is because in most cases domination is not accepted with open arms. One can accept anything, but not someone ruling over their interests. Suppression propels one to turn from a small fire to a forest fire. Even most of the frail ones try their level best to not fall a prey to subduing. But there is a small catch here. Few people don't fight for their rights because they look at the aftermath. (Again there is a negative thought. This is what happens when you don't try whole heartedly to come out of the circle of fear). These people although wanting to rise don't undertake any task and are always afraid of what would people do to them if they take over their positions.

If we talk about fear in general, then there are two kinds of fears. One, is fear of something (which we have been talking about till now) and the second is fear for someone. The specialty in the second case is we are afraid regarding issues faced by someone else. This fear can be attributed with concern. For example, we fear for our parents' health, our siblings' safety and so on. We are bothered about our kith and kin, friends, family and others. It is this one quality that distinguishes humans from others- concern and affection towards others.

You may ask me why I am equating affection with fear. I am doing this because the higher the affection is, the more fear one has about them.
So, coming back to the main point. As I raised the point of signs of fear earlier, few may ask me this question. What would happen if these were not cut down soon? More you delay the treatment, higher is the deterioration in health. Similarly, if the roots of fear start spreading its base, it becomes very difficult to come out of it. I say so because the person entangled in the web of fear looks at everything with a big eye i.e even small tasks appear mammoth and impossible. They always chose a chance to leave the assigned work as they are filled with negative energy.

So, remember all the afraid people. The word impossible itself means 'I am possible'. Thinking to overcome fear will not work. Only your consistent action in that direction will fetch results. Understand that fear is just a state of mind and is like a barricade in your path. You have to move it from your way on your own, because, the traveller is you and the journey is yours- not anyone else's. People can just motivate you, it is you who have to gear up and become stronger. Fear has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.

Once you overcome your fears, and by chance, if you fail in something, never get dejected. Because FAIL is the First Attempt In Learning. Never think it is the end because END means Effort Never Dies.

Be aware of one thing. Fear is recurring. You can never defeat fear completely because it is a natural trait. Yes, you can win over it for a while, but it will again envelope you. Aim not for absence of fear, but victory over it whenever it tries to hinder your progress. Coax your heart and convince your brain that you would be successful in conquering fear always. Remember, the only thing that you have to fear is fear itself and nothing else. Danger is real. But fear is a CHOICE.

                                  - Anusha Sridhar

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